Charter Township of Oxford
Responsibilities of the Clerk's Office
The Clerk’s Office is responsible for the retention of Township records, including agendas, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, and legal notices. It is also responsible for the preparation of meeting agendas and supporting documentation, financial reporting, accounts payable, bookkeeping, monthly financial reports, election administration, cemetery administration, human resources, insurances, retirement plan administration, fulfillment of Freedom of Information Act requests, and administering oaths of office to appointed and elected officials for Oxford Township.
Curtis W. Wright
Phone: (248) 628-9787 ext. 108

Born and raised in Oxford, Clerk Wright graduated from Oxford High School in 1977. Prior to being elected clerk in November 2008, he served as Oxford Township supervisor from 1994-98. He’s been a Certified Municipal Clerk since 2011.
Clerk Wright’s duties include: 1) Maintaining all township records not assigned by law to another office; 2) recording, maintaining and publishing township board meeting minutes; 3) keeping the voter registration file and administering election functions; 4) maintaining the general ledger; 5) keeping the township ordinance book; 6) keeping the township book of oaths; and 7) posting notices for regular and special meetings.
Clerk Wright chairs the Polly Ann Trail Management Council and serves on the following township committees: Water and Sewer Committee, Safety Path Committee, Election Commission, Cemetery Committee and Highway/Roads Committee.
Kelly Richter
Admin. Assistant
Phone: (248) 628-9787 ext. 106
The Clerk’s Office is responsible for the sale of gravesites and maintenance of burial records. Oxford Township owns three cemeteries.
The cost of an individual grave is $400.00.
Contact the Clerk’s Office at (248) 628-9787, ext. 106. The Clerk’s Office has maps of all three cemeteries showing which lots are available for purchase.
Freedom of Information Act
Voting Information
Michigan Absentee Ballot Application
Michigan Voter Information Center
Where can I register to vote?
* Oxford Township Clerk
* Secretary of State Office
LakePoint Community Church
1550 W. Drahner Road
If you are interested in working as an Election Inspector, Precinct Chairperson, or Electronic Poll Book Operator, please contact Kelly Richter at (248) 628-9787, ext. 106