Charter Township of Oxford
Supervisor Jack Curtis
(248) 628-9787 Ext. 109

An Oxford resident for 50 years, Supervisor Curtis has been active in township government since 2005 when he was appointed to the planning commission. His time on the planning commission, coupled with his passion for the community, prompted Curtis to seek and win a seat on the township board of trustees in 2012. Curtis served two, four-year terms as a trustee before being elected supervisor, a full-time position, in November 2020.
Over the years, Supervisor Curtis has served on a number of other committees and boards, including the Safety Path Committee, the Gravel Inspection Committee, the Economic Development Subcommittee, and the Oxford Village Planning Commission. He continues to serve as chairman of the township’s Water and Sewer Committee.
As supervisor, Curtis oversees the day-to-day operations of the township, manages the building department, moderates all regular and special township board meetings, develops the township budget, serves as the township’s legal agent and appoints members to the planning commission and zoning board of appeals.
Supervisor Curtis frequently meets with residents, business owners, developers, and officials from neighboring communities. His primary goal is to make Oxford Township the best it can be in terms of quality of life, economic growth, property values, and public services.
Supervisor Curtis is available to address questions, complaints, concerns, and suggestions between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. He can be reached by calling (248) 628-9787 Ext. 109 or sending an email to JCurtis@oxfordtownship.org.
Danielle Smith
Deputy Supervisor
(248) 628-9787 Ext. 102